2013北外国际新闻真题回忆 内容来自dedecms
media convergence(叙述部分要求解释a 不记得了。。b 貌似是technology transition c 解释现存行业、科技什么之类的关系)
core skills to be an international journalist (写出至少12个) 本文来自织梦
international perspective in international journalism (举例说明记者对外国受众报道中国新闻和对中国受众报道国外新闻中的国际视野) dedecms.com
二、英译中 织梦好,好织梦
Conflict is not inherent in a nation's rise. The United States in the 20th century is an example of a state achieving eminence without conflict with the then-dominant countries. Nor was the often-cited German-British conflict inevitable. Thoughtless and provocative policies played a role in transforming European diplomacy into a zero-sum game.
Sino-U.S. relations need not take such a turn. On most contemporary issues, the two countries cooperate adequately; what the two countries lack is an overarching concept for their interaction. During the Cold War, a common adversary supplied the bond. Common concepts have not yet emerged from the multiplicity of new tasks facing a globalized world undergoing political, economic and technological upheaval.
That is not a simple matter. For it implies subordinating national aspirations to a vision of a global order. 本文来自织梦
中美关系不需要有这样一个转变。许多当前议题两国都有充分合作,两国缺乏的是一个互动中的首要概念。在冷战中,一个共同的敌人提供了纽带。面对着一个经理了政治、经济和技术剧变的全球化的世界,共同概念还没有从新任务的多样性中产生。 copyright dedecms
原文 本文来自织梦
在漫长的历史进程中,中国人民依靠自己的勤劳、勇敢、智慧,开创了民族和睦共处的美好家园,培育了历久弥新的优秀文化。我们的人民热爱生活,期盼有更好的教育、更稳定的工作、更满意的收入、更可靠的社会保障、更高水平的医疗卫生服务、更舒适的居住条件、更优美的环境,期盼着孩子们能成长得更好、工作得更好、生活得更好。人民对美好生活的向往,就是我们的奋斗目标。我们的责任,就是要团结带领全党全国各族人民,继续解放思想,坚持改革开放,不断解放和发展社会生产力,努力解决群众的生产生活困难,坚定不移走共同富裕的道路。 织梦内容管理系统
官方译文 织梦内容管理系统
During the long course of history, the Chinese people have, working with diligence, bravery and wisdom, created a beautiful homeland where all ethnic groups live in harmony, and developed a great and dynamic culture.Our people have an ardent love for life. They wish to have better education, more stable jobs, more income, greater social security, better medical and health care, improved housing conditions and a better environment. They want their children to have sound growth, have good jobs and lead a more enjoyable life. To meet their desire for a happy life is our mission.To fulfill our responsibility, we will rally and lead the whole Party and people of all ethnic groups in China in making continued efforts to free up our minds, carry out reform and opening-up, further release and develop the productive forces, work hard to resolve the difficulties the people face in both work and life, and unwaveringly pursue common prosperity.It is the people who create history, and it is the people who are true heroes. The people are the source of our strength. We are well aware that the capability of one individual is limited. But when we are united as one, we will create an awesome power and we can certainly overcome all difficulties. One can only work for a limited period of time, but there is no limit to serving the people with dedication.Our responsibility is weightier than Mount Tai, and our journey ahead is long and arduous. We must always be of the same mind with the people and share the same destiny with them, and we must work together with them and diligently for the public good so as to live up to the expectations of both history and the people. 内容来自dedecms
三、消息写作 内容来自dedecms
根据乐玉成在第二届中美安全关系与合作研讨会上的讲话,用英文写一则关于钓鱼岛的消息。 本文来自织梦
背景资料:关于钓鱼岛问题,乐玉成说,钓鱼岛问题的根子是日本窃取中国的固有领土,其他一切争端由此而生。钓鱼岛问题的核心是日本企图否定二战胜利成果,挑战战后国际秩序,要翻历史的案。近年来,日本右翼势力不断膨胀,否认南京大屠杀、否认强征“慰安妇”、鼓吹领导人参拜靖国神社、扩军备战、废除和平宪法等言论和行为愈演愈烈。中美作为两个曾经为反法西斯战争承受重大牺牲、作出重大贡献的国家,要警惕这些动向,加强合作,坚决遏制日本国内右翼势力的气焰,防止日本在错误道路上越走越远,再一次把亚洲和世界拖入灾难。我们要求日方认清形势,深刻反省,丢掉幻想,以实际行动纠正错误,立即停止一切损害中国领土主权的行为。 织梦好,好织梦
写作能力 织梦好,好织梦
网上找不到原文,大意是贫困问题啊资源稀缺问题啊实际上都不是经济发展和科技发展能解决的,是一种政治问题,blah blah 本文来自织梦
不是很难理解。 内容来自dedecms
1.literature is a nation's unique cultural heritage and a passage to understanding the soul of the nation.In your opinion,in what ways are Chinese writers important in cross cultural dialogue between China and the West and what role can they play this endeavour?
2.Some scholars argue that all historical writing is coloured by the conscious and subconcious purposes and prejudices of its authors.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?
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