哦!对了! 昨天我们的第一期视频上线后,播放量就奔着500万去了。艾瑞克一看惊喜不已,胃口大开,还多吃了两碗饭。看来今天他要拿出浑身解数了! 快戳视频吧!一个你用流量看都不心疼的精彩视频! dedecms.com
I've been extremely fortunate to attend many major events at the Great Hall of the People over the past year.
I attended the 95th anniversary of the Communist Party of China as a guest in July. I returned during the National Day celebration — when I received the Chinese Government Friendship Award, the highest honor the government bestows upon foreign experts for their contributions to China’s development — in October.
其中包括“建党95周年庆祝大会”,以及去年国庆节期间在此接受了“中国政府友谊奖”——中国政府颁发给外籍人士的最高荣誉。 织梦内容管理系统
And I was a guest at a Spring Festival event in January, in which I gave Premier Li Keqiang face-to-face advice.
在今年1月份,我还受邀参加了一个在人民大会堂举行的春节活动。期间,我当面向李克强总理表达了我的一些建议。 织梦好,好织梦
I felt that way, again, attending the two sessions and especially upon listening to the premier present the government work report. 内容来自dedecms
如今,再次来到人民大会堂,在现场体验两会,听总理作政府工作报告,这种感觉很特别。 copyright dedecms
These are important moments in a nation of increasing global importance — a place I’ve come to love and call home, a place to explore, to raise a family and do what I can to give back to.
I’m deeply honored to be front and center on such momentous occasions.I truly wish China and the Chinese people the best in the coming year — and beyond.
关于《艾瑞克跑两会》 本文来自织梦
今年两会上,出现一个美国小伙子的瘦高身影,穿梭在两会会场之间。他叫Erik Nilsson,给自己取了一个像模像样的中文名字:聂子瑞。 作为一名为中国日报社的资深外籍专家,戴着厚厚眼镜片的他除了忙碌的报道工作外,决定每天围绕一个两会热词,拍一段两会知识短视频。
copyright dedecms
中国日报从3月4日起,推出原创新媒体栏目:《艾瑞克跑两会》。十二天,十二个热词,十二个一分钟的微视频,让我们了解不一样的两会。 织梦好,好织梦
艾瑞克跑两会 | 这个大有来头的外籍记者,每天只用一分钟,让你身临其境“学”两会 dedecms.com
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