
移动版  2019-06-03 09:51  来 源:  字号:





garlic 织梦好,好织梦


例1: 【黑大蒜的英文翻译黑大蒜的英文直接翻译为fermentedblackgarli还可以啊!额,黑大蒜是通过发酵得来的,发酵黑大蒜的翻译?】


Fermented black garlic 织梦好,好织梦

例2: 用英语怎么介绍蒜对身体的好处[英语练习题]


In test tube studies,garlic has been found to have antibacterial,antiviral,and antifungal activity.However,these actions are less clear in humans.Garlic is also claimed to help prevent heart disease (including atherosclerosis,high cholesterol,and high blood pressure) and cancer.Garlic is used to prevent certain types of cancer,including stomach and colon cancers.In fact,countries where garlic is consumed in higher amounts,due to traditional cuisine,have been found to have a lower prevalence of cancer.Animal studies,and some early investigational studies in humans,have suggested possible cardiovascular benefits of garlic.A Czech study found that garlic supplementation reduced accumulation of cholesterol on the vascular walls of animals.Another study had similar results,with garlic supplementation significantly reducing aortic plaque deposits of cholesterol-fed rabbits.Another study showed that supplementation with garlic extract inhibited vascular calcification in human patients with high blood cholesterol.The known vasodilative effect of garlic is possibly caused by catabolism of garlic-derived polysulfides to hydrogen sulfide in red blood cells,a reaction that is dependent on reduced thiols in or on the RBC membrane.Hydrogen sulfide is an endogenous cardioprotective vascular cell-signaling molecule. 内容来自dedecms

Although these studies showed protective vascular changes in garlic-fed subjects,a randomized clinical trial funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United States and published in the Archives of Internal Medicine in 2007 found that the consumption of garlic in any form did not reduce blood cholesterol levels in patients with moderately high baseline cholesterol levels.


According to the Heart.org,"despite decades of research suggesting that garlic can improve cholesterol profiles,a new NIH-funded trial found absolutely no effects of raw garlic or garlic supplements on LDL,HDL,or triglycerides...The findings underscore the hazards of meta-analyses made up of small,flawed studies and the value of rigorously studying popular herbal remedies." 织梦内容管理系统

In 2007,the BBC reported that Allium sativum may have other beneficial properties,such as preventing and fighting the common cold.This assertion has the backing of long tradition in herbal medicine,which has used garlic for hoarseness and coughs.The Cherokee also used it as an expectorant for coughs and croup. 内容来自dedecms

Allium sativum has been found to reduce platelet aggregation and hyperlipidemia.


Garlic is also alleged to help regulate blood sugar levels.Regular and prolonged use of therapeutic amounts of aged garlic extracts lower blood homocysteine levels and has shown to prevent some complications of diabetes mellitus.People taking insulin should not consume medicinal amounts of garlic without consulting a physician. copyright dedecms

In 1858,Louis Pasteur observed garlic's antibacterial activity,and it was used as an antiseptic to prevent gangrene during World War I and World War II.More recently,it has been found from a clinical trial that a mouthwash containing 2.5% fresh garlic shows good antimicrobial activity,although the majority of the participants reported an unpleasant taste and halitosis. 本文来自织梦

Garlic cloves are used as a remedy for infections (especially chest problems),digestive disorders,and fungal infections such as thrush. 本文来自织梦

Garlic has been found to enhance thiamin absorption and therefore reduce the likelihood for developing the thiamin deficiency beriberi. 本文来自织梦

In 1924,it was found that garlic is an effective way to prevent scurvy,due to its high vitamin C content.

copyright dedecms

Garlic has been used reasonably successfully in AIDS patients to treat cryptosporidium in an uncontrolled study in China.It has also been used by at least one AIDS patient to treat toxoplasmosis,another protozoal disease. 本文来自织梦

Garlic supplementation in rats,along with a high protein diet,has been shown to boost testosterone levels. 本文来自织梦

A 2010 double-blind,parallel,randomised,placebo-controlled trial involving 50 patients whose routine clinical records in general practice documented treated but uncontrolled hypertension.Concluded that "Our trial suggests that aged garlic extract is superior to placebo in lowering systolic blood pressure similarly to current first line medications in patients with treated but uncontrolled hypertension."


可能是过于学术,楼主你就挑几句喜欢的用吧 织梦内容管理系统

例3: 【大蒜用英语怎么说】


大蒜 Garlic(常用),Allium sativum,ajo


例4: 【蒜的英文音标是什么】






例5: 有关蒜的英文短语[英语练习题]


garlic bread蒜包,white garlic白蒜 本文来自织梦



点拨:大蒜 Garlic(常用),Allium sativum,ajo 望采纳~


点拨:美式的 大葱叫做 green onions 英式英语中 叫做spring onions 姜 ginger 蒜 garlic 望采纳




点拨:大蒜精 英文名称: Garlic Oil 鱼油 英文名称: fish oil 螺旋藻 英文名称: Spirulina 深海鱼油 医学界发现以动 物 性 脂 肪 为 主 食 的 爱 斯 基 摩 人 ,是 全 世 界 摄 取 脂 肪 与 蛋 白 质 食 物 比 率 最 高的 民 族 , 但 他 们 心 血 管 ...


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