概括:这道题是栾课图同学的课后语文练习题,主要是关于愚公移山翻译,指导老师为贡老师。 内容来自dedecms
解:原文 织梦内容管理系统
操蛇之神闻之,惧其不已也,告之于帝.帝感其诚,命夸娥氏二子负二山,一厝朔东,一厝雍南.自此,冀之南,汉之阴,无陇断焉. 织梦内容管理系统
译文: 织梦内容管理系统
太行、王屋两座大山,面积约七百里,高达七八千丈.它们原来位于冀州的南部、黄河北岸的北边. 内容来自dedecms
北山脚下有个叫愚公的人,年纪将近九十岁了,面对着山居住.愚公苦于山北面道路阻塞,进进出出曲折绕远.于是愚公召集全家人来商量说:“我和你们用尽全力铲平险峻的大山,使它一直通到豫州南部,到达汉水南岸,好吗?”大家纷纷表示赞同他的意见.愚公的妻子提出疑问说:“凭你的力量,连魁父这座小山都削减不了,又能把太行、王屋这两座山怎么样呢?况且把土石放到哪里去呢?”大家纷纷说:“把土石扔到渤海的边上,隐土的北面.”愚公于是带领三个能挑担子的子孙,凿石头,挖泥土,用两种装土石的工具运送到渤海的边上.邻居姓京城的寡妇有个孤儿,刚刚开始换牙(七八岁),蹦蹦跳跳地去帮助愚公.冬夏换季,才往返一次呢. 织梦好,好织梦
河曲有一个很有智慧的老头笑着阻止愚公说:“你太不聪明了.凭你这么大的岁数和剩下的力气,连山上的一根草都不能拔掉,又能把泥土和石头怎么样?”北山愚公长叹一声说:“你思想顽固,顽固到不能改变的地步,连寡妇和小孩子都比不上.即使我死了,还有儿子在呀;儿子又生孙子,孙子又生儿子;儿子又有儿子,儿子又有孙子;子子孙孙没有穷尽的,可是山不会增高加大,何必愁挖不平呢?”河曲的智叟没有话来回答. dedecms.com
山神听说了这件事,怕他不停地挖下去,向天帝报告了这件事.天帝被他的诚心感动,命令力气很大的神的两个儿子背走了两座山.一座放在朔方的东部,一座放在雍州的南面.从此,冀州的南部,汉水的南面,没有山岗高地阻隔了. 本文来自织梦
1太行山——在山西高原和河北平原之间. 织梦内容管理系统
2王屋山——在山西阳城、垣曲与河南济源之间. 本文来自织梦
4仞——古代长度单位,以七尺或八尺为一仞. copyright dedecms
5冀州——古地名,包括现在河北省,山西省,河南省黄河以北,辽宁省辽河以西的地区. copyright dedecms
6河阳——黄河北岸.山的北面和江河的南面叫做阴,山的南面和江河的北面叫做阳. 织梦好,好织梦
8面山而居——面对着山居住. 织梦好,好织梦
10塞(sè)——阻塞. copyright dedecms
12聚室而谋——集合全家来商量.室,家. dedecms.com
14毕力平险——尽全力铲除险峻的大山. dedecms.com
16汉阴——汉,就是汉水;阴,山的北面或水的南面叫阴. 本文来自织梦
18以——凭借. 织梦内容管理系统
19杂然相许——纷纷表示赞成.杂然,纷纷的样子.许,赞同. dedecms.com
20损:——削减. 织梦好,好织梦
21曾(céng)——副词,加强否定语气,可译为“连……也……”,常与‘不’连用. copyright dedecms
22魁父——古代一座小山的名称,在现今河南省开封县陈留镇境内. 织梦好,好织梦
24置——安放. 内容来自dedecms
25且——况且. 织梦好,好织梦
26焉——疑问代词,哪里. 织梦好,好织梦
29箕畚(jī běn)簸箕,一种用竹片或柳条编成的器具.这里是用箕畚装土石的意思.
30孀(shuāng) ——孀妻,寡妇. 织梦内容管理系统
31遗男——遗孤,单亲孤儿,遗腹子. 本文来自织梦
32龀(chèn)——儿童换牙齿,乳齿脱落后重新长恒齿.这里始龀表示年龄,约七八岁.龀,换牙. copyright dedecms
33寒暑易节——冬夏换季,指一年的时间.易,交换.节,季节. 织梦内容管理系统
34始一反焉——才往返一次.反,通“返”往返.焉,语气助词. copyright dedecms
36叟(sǒu)——老头. 织梦内容管理系统
37惠——同“慧”,聪明;不惠,指愚蠢. copyright dedecms
38其——在“如……何”前面加强反问语气. 本文来自织梦
40一毛——一草一木,地面所生的草木,这里指山的一小部分. 本文来自织梦
41汝心之固,固不可彻——你思想顽固,顽固到了不可改变的地步.彻,通. 本文来自织梦
45亡(wú)以应——没有话来回答.亡,通“无”. 内容来自dedecms
49感其诚——被他的诚心所感动.感,被……感动. 内容来自dedecms
50夸娥氏——神话中力气很大的神. 织梦内容管理系统
【死于安乐】:安逸享乐能使人死亡。 织梦内容管理系统
例1: 【谁有愚公移山完整的字词翻译】[语文练习题]
1太行山——在山西高原和河北平原之间. dedecms.com
4仞——古代长度单位,以七尺或八尺为一仞. 本文来自织梦
5冀州——古地名,包括现在河北省,山西省,河南省黄河以北,辽宁省辽河以西的地区. 织梦内容管理系统
7且——副词,将近. 织梦内容管理系统
8面山而居——面对着山居住. dedecms.com
9惩(chéng)——戒,这里是‘苦于、为.所苦’的意思. 织梦内容管理系统
11迂(yū)——曲折、绕远. 织梦内容管理系统
12聚室而谋——集合全家来商量.室,家. 织梦内容管理系统
13汝——你.这里做复数看,为‘你们’的意思. 织梦好,好织梦
16汉阴——汉,就是汉水;阴,山的北面或水的南面叫阴. 织梦内容管理系统
17献疑——提出疑问. 本文来自织梦
21曾(céng)——副词,加强否定语气,可译为“连……也……”,常与‘不’连用. dedecms.com
22魁父——古代一座小山的名称,在现今河南省开封县陈留镇境内. copyright dedecms
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27荷(hè)——扛的意思. dedecms.com
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29箕畚(jī běn)簸箕,一种用竹片或柳条编成的器具.这里是用箕畚装土石的意思. 织梦好,好织梦
30孀(shuāng) ——孀妻,寡妇. 织梦内容管理系统
35河曲------古地名,在今山西省芮城县西. 本文来自织梦
39长息——长叹. 织梦内容管理系统
40一毛——一草一木,地面所生的草木,这里指山的一小部分. 织梦内容管理系统
41汝心之固,固不可彻——你思想顽固,顽固到了不可改变的地步.彻,通. 本文来自织梦
46操蛇之神——神话中的山神,手里拿着蛇,所以叫操蛇之神.操,持. 织梦好,好织梦
49感其诚——被他的诚心所感动.感,被……感动. 织梦好,好织梦
50夸娥氏——神话中力气很大的神. copyright dedecms
51负——背. 织梦内容管理系统
52厝(cuò)——同“措”,放置. dedecms.com
例2: 英语翻译Unit6WangMing:Hi,Anna.InmyChineseclasstoday,wereadafamousstorycalledYuGongMovesaMountain.Anna:Oh,howdoesthestorybegin?WangMing:Well,onceuponatime,therewasaveryoldman.Thereweretwomountainsnearhishouse.Th[英语练习题]
W 安娜,在我今天的语文课堂上,我们读了一篇叫愚公移山的著名的故事. 本文来自织梦
A 故事是怎么开始的?
W 好的,在很久很久以前,有一个老人,在他家旁边由两座大山,山又高又大的,他要花很长时间才可以绕过山到山的对面去.
A 接着发生什么事情? 本文来自织梦
W 好的,老人家告诉他的家人,说他们应该一起帮助他把山移走.
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A 嗯嗯,但是一个老人家甚至不能移走一棵小树.
W 是的,他的妻子也是这么说的
A 那么他们怎么把山上的土跟石头搬走呢?
W 愚公说可以把它们放进海里,因为海能装一切的东西.因此他们第二天就开始挖掘了! 织梦好,好织梦
这是翻译,完全人工的翻译! 织梦内容管理系统
例3: 【“愚公移山”用英语怎样翻译】[英语练习题]
Mister Simple moves the mountain copyright dedecms
例4: 英语翻译英语的[英语练习题]
Yu Mr. With all their soil, a day night, came down the highway, the road toward the west can walk into bohai sea. This way, a flat TiaoZi shoulder will not feel sink. Walk into a corner, XieCiLi stretched out a little flag proclaiming, "road" 2 words, two officers blocking the way. copyright dedecms
"Driving license!" A face of serious officers. copyright dedecms
"What a license?" Yu Mr. A look on his face.
What zhi sou informed, busy with smile and said: "I didn't, is full of his car carrying away." 内容来自dedecms
Ministers don't eat a zhi sou, "The road to pay fees not know it? You have to bohai sea, from the road like you. If you are carrying away, we had to say, you two big baskets of DiLiu circle, BaoBuJi later became CheGuLu. This tree is planted them, I didn't want to play me, and left the money to buy fewer bothersome, fine. 100 silver." Hand tore the tickets.
Yu Mr., arms, legs screw but who let me walk the road? "We see not old, are part of the business ZhuangJiaRen, don't know the rules, less public sent some?"
Down the voice, "shua" and tore a ticket, "200!" 织梦内容管理系统
Yu Mr., pointing to his servants said: "what do you say?" kill hostage will kill her
Officers also not only handle and accosted put on a laptop. Zhi sou looked at it, "the old don't make an apology quickly with women folk in, the line do good." 本文来自织梦
Pay a fine and continue to see, the central reverse-an eastern border, they just slow lead to god, to my feet, and saw a great way JiShuaShua stood in front of the row. Yu Mr. Heart thumped: "I say, this kid zhi sou won't pay fees?" 织梦好,好织梦
Zhi sou said, no. What is the LiEr again?
While speaking to, yu Mr. Out just fine, yi said, and handed over. dedecms.com
These people who know nothing, alongside basket stirred up from the earth: a few GouWeiBaCao, "to smuggle forestry resources". Pick out a few stones, "who in mining mineral". A basket by yu Mr. Of that the overloading of vehicles. Yu Mr., I haven't said much they load. The man LiSe way: "you don't see your tonnage, how can and young adults than?" 织梦好,好织梦
Yu Mr. Green face all gas, squat down to one side MenTou HanYan smoke. The fire was lighted a officers and cried: "smuggling cigarettes!" Yu Mr. Spirit by Beijing's silk scarf said: "plus a, a mansion." smuggle silk Officers carefully watched said, "you don't say I really haven't noticed, calculate you frankly, this initiative, a free penalty. XianTaiYe don't angry, he earned the penalty for not index, which change to say on the XianYa, drop in root ice sticks to hit pour sa officers, so many people on the hair is!"
Trouble is made, the sutra 500 silver to pass. Officers said a retreat, zhi sou za this house, the penalty of the penalty, who knows how a house? Yu Mr., also a house? In this way, according to quit the bohai sea, she is to go home without travelling expenses. Home! Zhi sou said that I went to meet those paths, save the earth, but these white picked. Yu Mr. Wife said, pick a path that is with the best. copyright dedecms
On the road, they just relieved, so the earth-rock onto the road in a pit. This basket of earth had not poured clean, do not know from where the two officers and drill? Management environment pollution and destruction of water conservancy facilities. 内容来自dedecms
Three yu Mr. Out of the mold move mountains
Saying, walk, yugong yishan's very own good instantly knew. Some say that yu Mr., whether are o1069 do what bad to move a mountain. Some said, this year, he is not as foolish, and not a yu Mr. Didn't some good things to do? Who Didn't you see that even zhi sou so smart people crowded broken head rob to dry. Others said, this is strange, if not, how see a stranger thesame, yu Mr. His family. The man said, next is ah yes, but the widow and her little son followed after running back. Then all around, so little widow study some recall yu Mr. Look small eyes and others are widows, like autumn spinach.
In the translation-theories, yu Mr. Line has been carrying empty baskets back. How are curious to ask so fast, yu Mr. Back not answered. Three preaching, just know two yugong yishan's very own have absolute. Do you think, yu Mr. Are more than 90 years old, why should the vigorously? For the well back so soon? Money for dead birds, no wonder he every day at the foot of the mountain, and what is round the earth has found. Going the taihang, know the value has two wangwu shipped, baby can sell big price. Pick a somebody else yu Mr., several baskets of earth took several baskets of money back. Later that night, wangwu mountain in shansi a torch, asperse two mountains in the mountains to find people, seeing it, hoping to dig a gold.
Yu Mr. Where these days, seemed to know, and gas and tired, MenJiu drink to sleep a skylight, if it weren't for her good shake his day, sleep is not come. His wife and says, "you will wake up, palace of the lictors a yard, are you?" Yu Mr. Rubbing his eyes, they said, "what?" His wife and says, "who knows?" copyright dedecms
Yu Mr. Into the yard, indeed, but usually come to the mountains, these people are not to palace yu Mr., so no one knows who. Yu Mr. Hunt, "said suspensions, suspensions." Those servants said, "not to put your tea, the clear."
Yu Mr. Said, "I know, no pay fees? How can literally road, buy a lesson."
He said: "congratulations to just add a car. What will not have a car hit the road sign, also should punish you, it is not my pipe, are under the gang, vice ZhiXian king. How can you not do business license to conduct business? XianTaiYe yesterday evening, the special account heard about it, and to get rich, hurriedly sent to us by the new things, new door to door service, center, this series of license today, certificate is brought to you. XianTaiYe is given a company name, called" mountain in shansi wangwu mountain yu Mr. Special resources development Co., LTD., industry and commerce, taxation, business and corporate governance, mineral, environmental protection to do... and there do heard, also sent a few bodyguard to escort to hold the tortoise and the hare. County to support XianTaiYe grand prix, said the new things, to your left an champion, establish a yu Mr. Cup. You put these seven bend around 8 PM, into the XianTaiYe also came to inspect.
Yu Mr. Listenned to this words were, the head, trembling, anxiety and made just beat his words, dry gas speechless.
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Zhi sou: "everyone stopped ye2 misunderstood, where there is any, is to put the head yu Mr., make two mountains removed mountains and outside zero distance contact."
A gang, a sudden bursts into a laugh, and joy keep not waist. That said, you also want to move a mountain, not dreaming. That said, know you got in the mountains, I again not worth doing anything this eye, Ed to deceive me? 织梦内容管理系统
The music, the door again, then a blunt yu Mr. Straight rang rang: "good you old, in violation of family planning under the nose of laozi, gave birth to a son. Gente, give me off the grass!" dedecms.com
4 everybody got yu Mr. Light copyright dedecms
For those who understand, the government began to understand the meaning and yu Mr YangYang had to go. Yu Mr. Think this is the pure clean, I dare not remove mountains, selfish.
No ChengXiang yugong yishan's very own thing, darling, pass out! The county, house, north of famous people ran to the beishan. The mountains, can not open the tunnels, busy bad and the horse, the donkey, pull up the slider, and earned a pen WaiCai, even the sons also day yu Mr ShaoJiao busy caring family.
The county government is busy, everyday, accompany have to eat and drink, and several deputy ZhiXian all drank gastrorrhagia, still hold your position, said to the county economy is booming, drink, happy dead me a county.
These people are running to yu Mr..
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First county TV to video "90 can move mountains of old, Then concludes the house reporters yugong yishan's very own story? I mansion well-off society example of farmers, From the city came to a big director, to exercise the TV series "yu Mr. And city's, Throughout the XianTaiYe speeches that eye? Theory, pay attention to the farmers, deep farmers help farmers get rich initiative factor. dedecms.com
A famous touts paper wrote about a mansion with economic reform yugong yishan's very own relationship? And government in rich on the question of the important role, Another more famous touts wrote papers "widow in mountain area on the problem of historical significance, The city has several university's research, which turns out to be a pearl of the city's research is her son and a bastard, minister of the widow and write papers and unwed mother's identity and essential distinction with you? And which touts. 本文来自织梦
"My online series and yu Mr. : to say? Interview zhi sou documentary".
"Have a cast of the city's answered," love and love to discuss the differences.
For those who don't famous tabloid and more books, what is "yu Mr. And small widow's peculiar relationship, The city's and silk scarf behind what had happened; abnormal love" "Flee for love? From Beijing to small widow"; the beishan "Pack two milks" old 90, Love and pain, ...
A developer presented a villa, yu Mr Hollow kingdom; in claws, Change skin beauty you frost please yu Mr. When product spokesperson, From the mysterious plateau legend he tried to serve herb...
Yu Mr. Name was also apply for registration of trademarks, who became the county road marking "yu Mr. Brand", and "yu Mr. Brand" urine jar, according to the original genuine business is fake, utter. dedecms.com
Put a yu Mr., too XiangLinSao with every man said, "I will not move mountains! I will not move a mountain!" Then he fell sick, not a few days died.
People live in beishan, just like someone complain yu Mr. Die earlier, can earn money on his foot stronger.
Two mountains, wangwu mountain in shansi are there in the vertical. Later, and listen to what the next move.
点拨:愚公移山-译文 太行、王屋两座山,方圆达七百里,高达七八千丈。它们原来位于冀州的南部、黄河北岸。 山北面有一位叫愚公的老人,年近九十岁了,向着大山居祝苦于大山的阻塞,出入要绕远路,于是他召集全家人商量说:"我和你们竭尽全力铲平这两...
点拨:1、惩山北之塞,出入之迂也 苦于山北的阻塞,出来进去曲折绕远。 2、聚室而谋曰:“吾与汝毕力平险……” 愚公召集全家一起商量说:“我和你们尽全力铲除险峻的大山……” 3、指通豫南,达于汉阴,可乎(指通“直”。) 一直通向豫州的南面,到达汉水的南...
点拨:the Foolish Old Man, who removed the mountains.; the determination to win victory and the courage to surmount every difficulty ;
点拨:【原文】 太行、王屋二山,方七百里,高万仞。本在冀州之南,河阳之北。北山愚公者,年且九十,面山而居。惩山北之塞,出入之迂也,聚室而谋曰:“吾与汝毕力平险,指通豫南,达于汉阴,可乎?”杂然相许。其妻献疑曰:“以君之力,曾不能损魁父之...
点拨:原文: 北山愚公者,年且九十,面山而居。惩山北之塞,出入之迂也。聚室而谋曰:“吾与汝毕力平险,指通豫南,达于汉阴,可乎?”杂然相许其妻献疑曰:“以君之力,曾不能损魁父之丘,如太行、王屋何?且焉置土石?”杂曰:“投诸渤海之尾,隐士之北... 转载请注明出处: http://www.10000uw.com/view-85350-1.html