高中好像能直接学新概念二 内容来自dedecms
例1: 求新概念英语第2册的1-20课的答案[数学练习题]
lesson1.1.(b) 2.(c) 3.(b) 4.(d) 5.(c) 6.(a) 7.(d) 8.(b) 9.(a) 10.(c) 11.(c) 12.(c)
lesson2.1.(c) 2.(d) 3.(c) 4.(c) 5.(a) 6.(b) 7.(b) 8.(a) 9.(d) 10.(c) 11.(d) 12.(b)
lesson3.1.(c) 2.(a) 3.(c) 4.(a) 5.(d) 6.(b) 7.(c) 8.(c) 9.(b) 10.(a) 11.(b) 12.(b) 内容来自dedecms
lesson4.1.(d) 2.(b) 3.(a) 4.(b) 5.(b) 6.(a) 7.(c) 8.(b) 9.(c) 10.(a) 11.(c) 12.(c)
lesson5.1.(c) 2.(a) 3.(d) 4.(b) 5.(c) 6.(d) 7.(a) 8.(b) 9.(c) 10.(b) 11.(a) 12.(d) 织梦内容管理系统
lesson6.1.(d) 2.(a) 3.(c) 4.(d) 5.(d) 6.(a) 7.(d) 8.(a) 9.(b) 10.(a) 11.(d) 12.(a)
lesson7.1.(b) 2.(c) 3.(c) 4.(d) 5.(a) 6.(c) 7.(d) 8.(a) 9.(c) 10.(b) 11.(a) 12.(b)
lesson8.1.(d) 2.(b) 3.(b) 4.(a) 5.(c) 6.(c) 7.(b) 8.(b) 9.(a) 10.(d) 11.(b) 12.(b)
lesson9.1.(b) 2.(b) 3.(d) 4.(a) 5.(a) 6.(b) 7.(b) 8.(d) 9.(b) 10.(b) 11.(d) 12.(c) 织梦好,好织梦
lesson10.1.(a) 2.(d) 3.(d) 4.(c) 5.(b) 6.(c) 7.(a) 8.(c) 9.(a) 10.(c) 11.(c) 12.(a) 织梦内容管理系统
lesson11.1.(b) 2.(b) 3.(b) 4.(a) 5.(b) 6.(c) 7.(c) 8.(a) 9.(c) 10.(c) 11.(b) 12.(d) 本文来自织梦
lesson12.1.(c) 2.(c) 3.(a) 4.(d) 5.(d) 6.(a) 7.(d) 8.(a) 9.(c) 10.(d) 11.(a) 12.(a) 本文来自织梦
lesson13.1.(b) 2.(d) 3.(b) 4.(c) 5.(a) 6.(b) 7.(b) 8.(c) 9.(a) 10.(a) 11.(a) 12.(d) copyright dedecms
lesson14.1.(b) 2.(c) 3.(a) 4.(c) 5.(d) 6.(b) 7.(c) 8.(b) 9.(c) 10.(b) 11.(b) 12.(b) 内容来自dedecms
lesson15.1.(d) 2.(b) 3.(c) 4.(b) 5.(c) 6.(d) 7.(a) 8.(d) 9.(c) 10.(c) 11.(c) 12.(b) 织梦好,好织梦
lesson16.1.(a) 2.(a) 3.(d) 4.(a) 5.(b) 6.(a) 7.(d) 8.(a) 9.(d) 10.(d) 11.(d) 12.(a) dedecms.com
lesson17.1.(d) 2.(b) 3.(b) 4.(d) 5.(c) 6.(c) 7.(b) 8.(a) 9.(a) 10.(c) 11.(a) 12.(d) copyright dedecms
lesson18.1.(b) 2.(d) 3.(b) 4.(d) 5.(b) 6.(c) 7.(d) 8.(c) 9.(a) 10.(c) 11.(c) 12.(b) 织梦内容管理系统
lesson19.1.(a) 2.(d) 3.(c) 4.(c) 5.(d) 6.(b) 7.(c) 8.(b) 9.(c) 10.(a) 11.(c) 12.(c) 内容来自dedecms
lesson20.1.(b) 2.(c) 3.(b) 4.(b) 5.(c) 6.(b) 7.(c) 8.(a) 9.(c) 10.(c) 11.(d) 12.(a)
例2: 新概念英语第2册我学完了第三单元(72课),可以学第三册了吗我当然知道学完第二册最好,但是好多人都已经学第三册了,以这样的基础,学第三册会不会很困难呢?[语文练习题]
根据多方学生反映 NCE2 应付高考是可以的.
当然背最好啦! 内容来自dedecms
英语不求速度,在于过程培养语感,.那些快的人反而适得其反.也有些 基础非常好,
你想想下 你前72课 记得起什么了 有没有透彻!
反复复习比 学新的更有用 真的!
过来人.望你参考. 本文来自织梦
相信自己,如果新2 学透彻了 再去学新3 速度更快!
例3: 新概念英语第2册第33课摘要写作[英语练习题]
Lesson 33 Out of the darkness
The girl set out from the coast one afternoon and was caught in a storm.Her boat struck a rock,so she jumped into the sea.She swam eight miles that night.She reached the shore early next morning.She had seen a light high up on the cilffs and she cllimbed up.She found herself in hospital a day later.(61 words) 织梦内容管理系统
例4: 【新概念英语第2册第35课课文谁有?】[英语练习题]
Lesson 35 本文来自织梦
Stop thief!
捉贼! 织梦内容管理系统
Roy Trenton used to drive a taxi.A short while ago,however,he became a bus driver and he has not regretted it.He is finding his new work far more exciting.When he was driving along Catford Street recently,he saw two thieves rush out of a shop and run towards a waiting car.One of them was carrying a bag full of money.Roy acted quickly and drove the bus straight at the thieves.The one with the money got such a fright that he dropped the bag.As the thieves were trying to get away in their car,Roy drove his bus into the back of it.While the battered car was moving away,Roy stopped his bus and telephoned the police.The thieves' car was badly damaged and easy to recognize.Shortly afterwards,the police stopped the car and both men were arrested.
罗伊.特雷顿原是开出租汽车的,然而就在前不久,他开上了公共汽车,也并不为此而感到后悔.他发觉自己的新工作令人兴奋得多.最近,当他正开车在凯特福德街上行驶时,看到有两个小偷从一家商店里冲出来,奔向等在那里的一辆汽车,其中一个提着一只装满钞票的提包.罗伊行动迅速,开车直冲窃贼而去.拿钱的那个小偷吓得把提包都扔了.当那两个小偷企图乘车逃跑时,罗伊驾驶他的公共汽车撞在了那辆车的后尾上.当那辆被撞坏的车开走后,罗伊停下车,给警察挂了电话.小偷的车损坏严重,很容易辨认.没过多久,警察就截住了那辆车,两个小偷都被抓住了. 织梦内容管理系统
例5: 求新概念英语第2册72课摘要写作同题[英语练习题]
Lesson 72 织梦内容管理系统
Sir Malcolm Campbell set up a land-speed record in 1935 duiving a car called Bluebird,which had been secially built for him.His average speed was incorrectly declared to be 299 miles per hour,but this mistake was corrected later.He had averaged 301 miles an hour.Years later,his son,Donald,also broke a record and his car was also called Bluebird. copyright dedecms
点拨:好 在我成长的道路中,有许多伴我长大的好老师。那么多的好老师关心学生,教育学生的镜头,像放电影一样,在我眼前闪过。我四年级的班主任马老师就是其中的一个。她圆圆的脸蛋上有一双严厉又温柔的眼睛,高高的鼻梁上架着一副眼镜。马老师很爱笑...
题2:网上那个叫谢孟媛的英语老师 各位有没有人学过 她...
题3:寻谢孟媛初级文法 目录
点拨:初级: ★ 名词、冠词 ★ 〈第01卷〉 名词的种类 名词的数 名词的所有格 冠词 ★ be 动词、一般动词的现在式 ★ 〈第02卷〉 be动词的现在式-am、are、is 一般动词的现在式 一般动词的否定句 ★ be动词 、一般动词的过去式 ★ 〈第03卷〉 be动词的过去...
题4:学谢孟媛英语 怎么背单词
点拨:谢孟媛】【任教于多所台北补习班,是大台北地区享负盛名的补教界英文名师】 2010-05-17 20:37 谢孟媛_百度百科 简介 谢孟媛老师拥有十多年英文讲解的经验,十多年来,谢孟媛老师任教于多所台北补习班,是大台北地区享负盛名的补教界英文名师,在... 转载请注明出处: http://www.10000uw.com/view-87121-1.html