
移动版  2019-06-03 10:08  来 源:  字号:

概括:这道题是衡壬屯同学的课后历史练习题,主要是关于哥伦布简介,指导老师为莘老师。"哥伦布骑士团"是一个基地在美国康涅狄格州纽黑文的慈善组织。 该组织1882年成立,"骑士们"以救助病弱者、残疾人和穷人为荣。到后来,该组织通过致力于教育、慈善、社会福利、战争救助以及公共救助在美国社会广播善缘。哥伦布骑士会是世界上最大的天主教会兄弟会志愿者组织。1882 年成立于美国,它为纪念哥伦布而命名,并致力于"慈善"、"团结"、"兄弟情谊"、"爱国主义"原则。共有 170 万成员,14,000 个支部,其中近 200 个支部设在大学校园。会员资格限于18 岁或以上的男性并要求是身体力行的天主教徒。骑士们闻名于世的是他们强烈的天主教信仰,并且被称作"教会强有力的右臂"。它也是一个基地在美国康涅狄格州纽黑文的慈善组织。"哥伦布骑士团"目前有超过1.2万个理事会,在全球拥有170万成员。






  克里斯托弗·哥伦布 (约1451~1506),Christophe Columbus ( Kristóbal Kolón)生于意大利热那亚,卒于西班牙巴利亚多利德 Valladolid.哥伦布并不是最早发现美洲大陆的人,而是哥伦布到达了他认为的他自己没有到过的“新大陆”,“新大陆”只是对哥伦布和西方人是“新大陆”,对美洲原住民 印第安人来说并不是新大陆,他们早在4万年前就已经到达美洲大陆,大约是在4万年前从亚洲渡过白令海峡到达美洲的,或者是通过冰封的海峡陆桥过去的.哥伦布的到达美洲只是对西方世界影响很大的到达,印第安人和西方人都是人类,因此是印第安人最早发现新大陆,只是他们的发现的影响不大而已.不管是哪个哥伦布还是其他西方人登上的美洲大陆,都不是“首先发现”,在他们来之前这里不仅有几千万的居民,而且早在他们之前就已经有亚洲人登上过美洲的土地,只是他们亚洲人不是为扩张势力范围和掠夺殖民地而来,而是为了寻找生活场所或躲避灾祸、文化交流或商业贸易,是一种和平的迁徙或探险,这和哥伦布和后来的西方殖民者形成了鲜明的对比.新航路的开辟有着深刻的社会原因、思想原因和经济原因,哥伦布的发现成为美洲大陆开发和殖民的新开端[1],是历史上一个重大的转折点.15世纪欧洲人口膨胀,西方人知道美洲大陆后,使欧洲人有了可以殖民的场所,也有了可以使欧洲经济发生改观的土地、矿石和原材料,但同时,这一发现却导致了美洲原住民印第安人文明的毁灭.14-15世纪欧洲资本主义开始快速发展后,欧洲资本主义对原材料的需求和掠夺的希望促使了新航路开辟,之后欧洲人开始对美洲等进行政治的控制,经济的剥削和掠夺,宗教和文化的渗透,大量殖民,使该大陆原住民的土地丧失,成为宗主国的殖民地,文化和生活方式也逐渐发生消亡.哥伦布一生从事航海活动.先后移居葡萄牙和西班牙.相信地圆说,认为从欧洲西航可达东方的印度和中国.为了印证他的想法,他先后向西班牙、葡萄牙、英国、法国等国的国王寻求协助,以实现出海西行至中国和印度的计划,但均得不到帮助.



例1: 【哥伦布的英语简介主要关于他的功绩的不要太长谢谢】[英语练习题]


This article is about the explorer.For other uses,see Christopher Columbus (disambiguation). 织梦好,好织梦

Christopher Columbus 本文来自织梦

Posthumous portrait of Christopher Columbus by Ridolfo Ghirlandaio.There are no known authentic portraits of Columbus. 织梦好,好织梦

Born c.1451


Genoa,Italy (though disputed)

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Died 20 May 1506 (aged c.55) dedecms.com



参考维基百科 本文来自织梦

Nationality Genoese (though disputed)


Other names Genoese:Christoffa Corombo 内容来自dedecms

Italian:Cristoforo Colombo 本文来自织梦

Catalan:Cristòfor Colom 织梦内容管理系统

Spanish:Cristóbal Colón


Portuguese:Cristóvão Colombo copyright dedecms

Latin:Christophorus Columbus 内容来自dedecms

Occupation Maritime explorer for the Crown of Castile dedecms.com

Title Admiral of the Ocean Sea; Viceroy and Governor of the Indies 织梦好,好织梦

Religion Roman Catholic


Spouse(s) Filipa Moniz (c.1476-1485) 内容来自dedecms

Children Diego copyright dedecms



Relatives Giovanni Pellegrino,Giacomo and Bartholomew Columbus (brothers) 本文来自织梦

Signature dedecms.com

Christopher Columbus (c.1451 – 20 May 1506) was an Italian navigator,[1] colonizer,and explorer whose voyages across the Atlantic Ocean led to general European awareness of the American continents in the Western Hemisphere.With his four voyages of exploration and several attempts at establishing a settlement on the island of Hispaniola,all funded by Isabella I of Castile,he initiated the process of Spanish colonization which foreshadowed general European colonization of the "New World". dedecms.com

Although not the first to reach the Americas from Europe—he was preceded by at least one other group,the Norse,led by Leif Ericson,who built a temporary settlement 500 years earlier at L'Anse aux Meadows[2]— Columbus initiated widespread contact between Europeans and indigenous Americans. 本文来自织梦

The term "pre-Columbian" is usually used to refer to the peoples and cultures of the Americas before the arrival of Columbus and his European successors.


The name Christopher Columbus is the Anglicisation of the Latin Christophorus Columbus.The original name in 15th century Genoese language was Christoffa[3] Corombo[4] (pronounced [kriˈʃtɔffa kuˈɹuŋbu][citation needed]).The name is rendered in modern Italian as Cristoforo Colombo,in Portuguese as Cristóvão Colombo (formerly Christovam Colom),in Catalan as Cristòfor Colom,and in Spanish as Cristóbal Colón. 本文来自织梦

Columbus's initial 1492 voyage came at a critical time of growing national imperialism and economic competition between developing nation states seeking wealth from the establishment of trade routes and colonies.In this sociopolitical climate,Columbus's far-fetched scheme won the attention of Isabella I of Castile.Severely underestimating the circumference of the Earth,he estimated that a westward route from Iberia to the Indies would be shorter than the overland trade route through Arabia.If true,this would allow Spain entry into the lucrative spice trade — heretofore commanded by the Arabs and Italians.Following his plotted course,he instead landed within the Bahamas Archipelago at a locale he named San Salvador.Mistaking the lands he encountered for the East Indies,he referred to the inhabitants as "indios".[5][6] There is a linguistic urban legend that he actually named them "una gente in Dios",(a people in God),and that in 1492 India was called Hindustan,but he never used the phrase "una gente in Dios" and India had been called India for centuries and the name 'Hindustan' did not become common until some time after Columbus.[7]


The anniversary of Columbus's 1492 landing in the Americas is usually observed as Columbus Day on 12 October in Spain and throughout the Americas,except Canada.In the United States it is observed annually on the second Monday in October.


例2: 求哥伦布英文简介及英雄事迹要求英文介绍.1500字左右.[英语练习题]


哥伦布 Columbus 织梦好,好织梦

Columbus was born in 1451 in Genoa of Italy.His father was a wool merchant.When he was 26 years old,he became to make merchant voyages.The farthest countries he reached were Iceland and Guinea.


At that time,many European countries became stronger and stronger.Their ships reached Africa and Asia.They got gold,silver,silk,tea and other things from the orient.Columbus wanted to make another way to China and India.


On August 2,1492,Columbus left Spain and began his first voyage.He had three ships.After two months’ hard sailing,on October 12,they got to an island in the Bahamas.On October 29,they reached Cuba.But a few days later,one of his ships left them.And on December25,his flagship sunk.Fortunately,the ship that left them rejoined him again.They went back to Lisbon on March 4,1943. 织梦内容管理系统

Although they didn’t get to rich orient countries and look back wealth,they found a new place that nobody had gone to.Columbus thought it was India and called the islands the West Indias. 本文来自织梦

From 1493 to 1504,he sailed to America three times.He reached most of the coast of southern America and set up many colonies.


On May 20,1506,Columbus died because of disease.

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1451年,哥伦布出生于意大利热那亚.他的父亲是一位羊毛商人.26岁时,他开始随商船出海.他最远到达的国家是北欧是冰岛和非洲的几内亚. 织梦内容管理系统

那时,许多欧洲国家逐渐强大起来,他们的船只到达了非洲和亚洲,从东方带来大量的金银、丝绸、茶叶等贵重物品.哥伦布想另外开辟一条通往印度和中国的航线.1492年8月2日,哥伦布带着三条船离开西班牙,开始了他的第一次远航.经过两个月的艰苦航行,10月12日,他们到达巴哈马群岛中的一个岛.10月29日,他们到达了古巴.但几天以后,有条船擅自离开船队.12月25日,哥伦布的旗舰沉没了.幸运的是离开他们的那条船又与他们会合了.1493年3月4日,他们回到里斯本. 织梦内容管理系统





1506年5月20日,哥伦布因病去世. 织梦好,好织梦

例3: 【哥伦布英文简介】[英语练习题]


哥伦布 ColumbusColumbus was born in 1451 in Genoa of Italy.His father was a wool merchant.When he was 26 years old,he became to make merchant voyages.The farthest countries he reached were Iceland and...


例4: 简介哥伦布发现美洲新大陆历程50-100字,不要太长,1


他是历经千辛万苦到达的,饥饿、寒冷……都困扰着他,有些士兵动摇了,哥伦布不得不用剑来强迫他们!终于,他们到达了美国新大陆. dedecms.com

例5: 高中英语作文哥伦布介绍中文英文[英语练习题]


Italian navigator.Born in Genoa,Italy,died in Valladolid,Spain.Life in marine activities.Have moved to Portugal and Spain.I believe the earth sphere,said that the western route from Europe up to the East India and China.In support of the King of Spain,has four times the sea voyage (1492 1493,1493 1496,1498 1500,1502 1504).Opened a route across the Atlantic to the Americas.Has reached the Bahamas,Cuba,Haiti,Dominica,Trinidad and other islands.South Bank debut in the Gulf of Paria American continent. 织梦内容管理系统

Honduras in Central America to reach even investigated more than 2,000 km of coastline Bay; know the Isthmus of Panama; discovery and use of low-latitude easterly Atlantic,high latitude westerly winds blowing changes.Prove the correctness of the earth spherical said.To promote the Old and the New World contact.He mistakenly believe that to reach the New World,India,and said local people for the Indians.


Columbus is a strong will of the people to do things even if he encountered difficulties,but would not give up easily discouraged. 织梦好,好织梦

Columbus then apply for grants to the king adventure on the sea,but the king refused his request one; Even so,he has continued to meet with the king,made his views.


Columbus sailing trip in a big wind event of the two,food shortages,he could change the plan,halfway out,but he was determined to persist in the end,finally let him go find a new continent.


Columbus later years the king has repeatedly interviewed wanted to write,but has been no response.Columbus did not give up this time,he continued to write,the last king was touched by his sincerity that he personally received.


Columbus is always a determined and aggressive person,encountered any setbacks,he will not be easily discouraged or defeated the words.觉得好要给分哦~ 本文来自织梦





点拨:哥伦布Christopher Columbus1451年出生在意大利,自幼热爱航海冒险。他读过《马可·波罗游记》,十分想往印度和中国。当时,地圆说已经很盛行,哥伦布也深信不疑。他先后向葡萄牙、西班牙、英国、法国等国国王请求资助,以实现他向西航行到达东方...


点拨:基本简介 克里斯托弗·哥伦布 (约1451~1506),Christophe Columbus ( Kristóbal Kolón)生于意大利热那亚,卒于西班牙巴利亚多利德 Valladolid。哥伦布并不是最早发现美洲大陆的人,而是哥伦布到达了他认为的他自己没有到过的“新大陆”,“新大陆...


点拨:克里斯托弗·哥伦布(Christopher Columbus)是西班牙的著名航海家,是地理大发现的先驱者(参阅《征服天堂》(Conquest of Paradise)(Vangelis范吉利斯))。出生在意大利港口市热那亚。哥伦布年轻时就是地圆说的信奉者,他十分推崇曾在热那亚坐...


点拨:哥伦布(约1451~1506) Colombo,Cristoforo 意大利航海家。生于意大利热那亚,卒于西班牙巴利亚多利德。一生从事航海活动。先后移居葡萄牙和西班牙。相信大地球形说,认为从欧洲西航可达东方的印度和中国。在西班牙国王支持下,先后4次出海远... 转载请注明出处: http://www.10000uw.com/view-87734-1.html
