
移动版  2019-06-03 10:12  来 源:  字号:

概括:这道题是堵夭僚同学的课后语文练习题,主要是关于设计工作室名字,指导老师为孔老师。 内容来自dedecms



Viewtran 这个是深圳某家科技公司的名字你用不知道侵权不哈 织梦内容管理系统

Ucoin 这个是音译过来的,嘿嘿,COIN有创造的意思,U是你的意思,感觉就是你给我机会我为你创造


Newchance/Newtrend 这个也有点音译.因为主要要让别人记得你的工作室的名字.NEW新 chance 是机会 trend是趋势 感觉都可以哈~ copyright dedecms

个人喜欢Newtrend,你感觉一下哈·~ 本文来自织梦


Ultra Initiative 意思是超乎一般的优质设计,Ultra音韵也相似。


Initiative 是创新的意思 Ultra 是超出的意思 本文来自织梦

全称可以叫 Ultra Initiative Design Studio (UIDS) 织梦好,好织梦

如果要简单些可以叫 Ultra Design


您觉得这个答案对您有帮助吗? 织梦好,好织梦


例1: 【英语翻译我背着吉他游走在图书馆里突然,电话响了我得知有紧急的事情需要我处理便匆匆忙忙的快跑了出去我撞到了你我一边捡起书一边怀着诚意道歉我抬起头发现你的眼睛是那样的动人从】


I carry guitar wander in the library copyright dedecms

Suddenly,the phone rang copyright dedecms

I've learned that there are emergency matters need I processing


Then in a hurry run out

copyright dedecms

I bumped into you


As I picked up the book dedecms.com

Side with sincerity apologize


I raised my head copyright dedecms

Find your eyes is so moving


Since then,a love story; Beginnings of the


Together we wander in the library 织梦好,好织梦

Together we playing a guitar


I was so careless 织梦好,好织梦

Every day you in meticulous care me 织梦好,好织梦

The people around is very pretty

copyright dedecms

You encouraged me to try new things

copyright dedecms

And as I recommend good-looking book 织梦好,好织梦

Your tender like milk tea sort gave me warm


Remember when we only a fight?

copyright dedecms

I hugged a boy 织梦内容管理系统

And you just saw this scene

copyright dedecms

The book fell on your hand copyright dedecms

You gave the boy a punch

copyright dedecms

But I was for your reckless and angry 本文来自织梦

I say:I don't want to see you again 内容来自dedecms

You head also don't return to walk, copyright dedecms

Usually very strong you also dropped a few drops of tears


I regret I just do


But I could not make back the hands of time


I picked up the book dropped


Wearing oversized glasses frame 织梦内容管理系统

Swear forget you


I'm single 织梦好,好织梦

I carry guitar hand holding a pile of books copyright dedecms

The people around is very strange 内容来自dedecms

"Beside her what happened to the boy?" copyright dedecms

I sat on a park bench 织梦内容管理系统

Turn over your left hand of the book


I was touched by the story of tears fall


Didn't notice that you are around me dedecms.com

"Forgive me" you said dedecms.com

I jumped


I pushed glasses copyright dedecms

Cool desperately want to walk off


You got hold of my hand 织梦好,好织梦

I'm crazy,like to hoid you


Fear of you in time don't belong to me dedecms.com

Together we wander in the library copyright dedecms

Together we playing a guitar


I was so careless dedecms.com

Every day you in meticulous care me 织梦好,好织梦

The people around is very pretty copyright dedecms

You encouraged me to try new things copyright dedecms

And as I recommend good-looking book dedecms.com

Your tender like milk tea sort gave me warm 织梦内容管理系统

例2: 英语翻译如今,企业想要在经济全球化的大潮中立于不败之地,如何提高企业核心竞争力成为企业关注的焦点,而成本管理越来越成为企业经营和发展的重中之重.本文在介绍市场竞争的大背景下[英语练习题]


如今,企业想要在经济全球化的大潮中立于不败之地,如何提高企业核心竞争力成为企业关注的焦点,而成本管理越来越成为企业经营和发展的重中之重.本文在介绍市场竞争的大背景下,着重强调企业发展需要考虑的问题,突出企业核心竞争力的重要性及获取核心竞争力的重要途径和方法,着重介绍战略成本管理及控制.通过案例分析,在借鉴国内外优秀企业成本控制经验的基础上,简要分析了构成战略成本管理的价值链、战略定位、成本动因等理论.希望通过本文的分析,能够为企业长期发展提供有益的思路. 织梦好,好织梦

Today, the enterprise wants to in the economic globalization tide in an invincible position, how to improve the core competitiveness of enterprises become the focus of attention, and enterprise cost management in enterprise management and development more and more become the most important. This paper introduces the background of market competition, stressing enterprise development issue to consider, outstanding enterprise core competitive ability and the importance of access the core competitiveness of the important way and the method, introduces emphatically the strategic cost management and control. Through the case analysis, in referring to the excellent enterprise cost control experience, the paper analyses the value chain constitutes a strategic cost management, strategic orientation, cost drivers theory. Hope that through this paper analysis for the long-term development of the enterprise, can provide useful ideas.

copyright dedecms

例3: 【谁来帮我用英文翻译一下啊!(在线等)随着网络技术的不断发展,整体的互联网用户的不断增加,整体网民的结构逐步改善,中国互联网宽带硬件设施的不断完善,对新兴并逐渐成熟的互联网经】[英语练习题]


With the continuous development of network technology, the overall number of Internet users continues to increase, the gradual improvement of the overall structure of Internet users, broadband Internet in China continue to improve the hardware facilities for emerging and mature core of the Internet economy, one of the important status of online advertising highlighted to provide a strong condition. 织梦内容管理系统

例4: 英语翻译新的开始再一次新的开始,但这一次不同寻常相信这能给我带来特别的东西我格式化一切尽量更新给外面一个新的自我相信这能给我带来特别的东西我拿起吉他,弹出动人的歌曲我快


New beginning Once again,new beginning,But an unusual I believe this brings me something special I formatted all Try to update A new self to the outside I believe this brings me something special I pi... 本文来自织梦

例5: 英语翻译如题:1.我参观了青岛水族馆.2..水族馆内现代化的展示手段,众多特色表演;观众可以体验许多项目.3.为国内第一个展示全部海底世界的水族馆.4.有世界上馆藏最为丰富的海洋生物标[英语练习题]


1.I visited Qingdao aquarium. 本文来自织梦

2...Aquarium in modern show means,numerous features performances; The audience can experience many projects. 织梦内容管理系统

3.For the domestic first show all the undersea world aquarium.


4.Is the world most abundant of Marine biological collections specimen.


5.Ocean tourism and the organic integration of popular science education. 织梦好,好织梦

谢谢o(∩_∩)o copyright dedecms



点拨:个人觉得 设计工作室 还是做品牌的 自身应该有一个品牌的理念再联想名字字眼吧。而且给人感觉应该先锋艺术一点的,时尚感重的一点,看名字就有信赖感的。目测楼主和你爱人的名字里,这些字眼用起来都达不到这样的效果哇。 还是说说楼主你对自己...


点拨:典意·铨策工作室——夫挈轻重不失铢两 由于你的名字前2个没什么特点。铨这字不是惯用字。给你加个典意前缀。大致意思是吸收经典但权衡两侧,又有创新的内涵。符合新古典主义风格埃


点拨:您好,看到您的问题很久没有人回答,但是问题过期无人回答会被扣分并且你的悬赏分也会被没收!所以我给你提几条建议: 1,提问要尽量完整清晰不要有生僻的字,回答者一点都不知道你的情况如果你的问题也不清楚的话回答者就不知道你说的是什么,...


点拨:奇 妙 绝 灵感屋 奇思妙想 内力非凡 (室内设计能力非凡)


点拨:英文 Muse Center 中文就M.C.设计室就好了 Muse KK: [] DJ: [] n. 1. 【希神】司文艺、音乐、美术的女神缪斯 muse KK: [] DJ: [] vi. 1. 沉思,冥想[(+about/on/upon/over)] I like to muse about what I will do when I grow up. 我喜欢仔细思考... 转载请注明出处: http://www.10000uw.com/view-88763-1.html