我不知道莎士比亚的戏剧是否也偶有悲剧色彩,一个仲夏夜之梦,似乎为我们展示的就是人生.尽管只是梦,只是戏剧,但却令人回味无穷.他们的故事,捕捉的是真实的画面,跳跃的是真实的情素. copyright dedecms
那是一个美丽的森林.似一幅幅古典的油画,飘着空灵幽雅的乐曲.戏剧上演的中心地.这些精灵、神灵,雅典的穷人、贵族,都在这里聚集,他们有不同的身份,他们也有不同的心.只是他们,在一起看人生、寻找人生. 本文来自织梦
我依旧是那么记不住人物的姓名.可是他们的脸张显的个性却印在心里.只记得一个女主人公叫做赫米亚,一个勇于追求自由、幸福的女孩.她就像一个天使,只是她的翅膀被雅典当时的封建所束缚.法律和父亲的要求阻挡着她的爱情.但当爱她的人心疼地说,“为什么你脸上的蔷薇凋谢得那么快?……”,他们找到了幸福的勇气.私奔——那个似乎戏里才会有的情节.我总是相信,爱情总会以甜蜜为结局的.她不会是个在人生中折翼的天使. 织梦好,好织梦
在神话般的戏剧里,精灵和神灵总是主宰着人们的人生,不论穷人的还是贵族的.只是,神灵在那个森林里给了他们夏夜的一个梦. 织梦内容管理系统
我想强调的是,“戏如人生”而非“人生如戏”.我们也总会遇到种种弄人的天意,就像戏里的“闹剧”.当人生如此的时候,我们切不可看成戏剧对待.毕竟,那是我们自己手里的人生.难道神灵错误的梦就是他们真正的爱情?当然不是. 本文来自织梦
例1: 【仲夏夜之梦英文读后感,2000字左右】[英语练习题]
A Midsummer Night's Dream (仲夏夜之梦) is a romantic comedy by William Shakespeare written sometime in the 1590s. It portrays the adventures of four young Athenian lovers and a group of amateur actors in a moonlit forest, and their interactions with the fairies who inhabit it and Duke of the Athenians. The play is one of Shakespeare's most popular and is widely performed across the world. 本文来自织梦
The play features three interlocking plots, connected by a celebration of the wedding of Duke Theseus of Athens and the Amazonian queen Hippolyta. 本文来自织梦
In the opening scene, Hermia refuses to comply with her father Egeus's wish for her to marry his chosen man, Demetrius. In response, Egeus quotes before Theseus an ancient Athenian law whereby a daughter must marry the suitor chosen by her father, or else face death or lifelong chastity worshipping Diana as a nun. The word in this sense is an anachronism. Hermia and her lover Lysander therefore decide to elope by escaping through the forest at night. Hermia informs her best friend Helena, but Helena has recently been rejected by Demetrius and decides to win back his favor by revealing the plan to him. Demetrius, followed doggedly by Helena, chases Hermia, who, in turn, chases Lysander, from whom she becomes separated. 本文来自织梦
Meanwhile, Oberon, king of the fairies, and his queen, Titania, arrive in the same forest to attend Theseus and Hippolyta's wedding. Oberon and Titania are estranged because Titania refuses to give her Indian page-boy to Oberon for use as his "knight" or "henchman," since the child's mother was one of Titania's worshippers. Oberon seeks to punish Titania's disobedience and recruits the mischievous Puck (also called Hobgoblin and Robin Goodfellow) to help him apply a magical juice from a flower called "love-in-idleness," which makes the victim fall in love with the first living thing he sees when he awakens. Oberon applies the juice to Titania in order to distract her and force her to give up the page-boy. 本文来自织梦
Having seen Demetrius act cruelly toward Helena, Oberon orders Puck to spread some of the juice on the eyelids of the young Athenian man. Instead, Puck puts the juice on the eyes of Lysander, who then falls in love with Helena. When Oberon finds this out, he makes Puck apply the juice to Demetrius. Due to Puck's errors, Hermia's two lovers temporarily turn against her in favor of Helena. Helena, however, is convinced that her two suitors are mocking her, as neither loved her originally. The four pursue and quarrel with each other all night, losing themselves in the dark and in the maze of their romantic entanglements. dedecms.com
Meanwhile, a band of "rude mechanicals" (lower-class labourers) have arranged to perform a crude play about Pyramus and Thisbe for Theseus' wedding, and venture into the forest, near Titania's bower, for their rehearsal. Nick Bottom, a stage-struck weaver, is spotted by Puck, who transforms his head into that of an ass (donkey). Titania is awoken by Bottom's singing, and she immediately falls in love with him. She treats him as if he is a nobleman and lavishes attention upon him. While in this state of devotion, she encounters Oberon and casually gives him the Indian boy. dedecms.com
Having achieved his goals, Oberon releases Titania and orders Puck to remove the ass's head from Bottom. The magical enchantment is removed from Lysander but is allowed to remain on Demetrius, so that he may reciprocate Helena's love. The fairies then disappear, and Theseus and Hippolyta arrive on the scene, during an early morning hunt. They wake the lovers and, since Demetrius doesn't love Hermia anymore, Theseus over-rules Egeus's demands and arranges a group wedding. The lovers decide that the night's events must have been a dream. After they all exit, Bottom awakes, and he too decides that he must have experienced a dream "past the wit of man."
In Athens, Theseus, Hippolyta and the lovers watch the mechanicals perform "Pyramus and Thisbe." It is ridiculous and badly performed but gives everyone pleasure regardless, and after the mechanicals dance a Bergomask (rustic dance), everyone retires to bed. Finally, as night falls, Oberon and Titania bless the house, its occupants, and the future children of the newlyweds, and Puck delivers an epilogue to the audience asking for applause.
例2: 【仲夏夜之梦的读后感】
书中讲述了由“魔汁”引起的冲突及冲突被解决、有情人终成眷属的故事.有两个男青年拉山德(Lysander)、狄米特律斯(Demetrius)同时爱上了女青年郝米娅(Hermia),而郝米娅恋着拉山德,她的好友海丽娜(Helena)又恋着狄米特律斯.郝米娅为了反对包办婚姻和情人私奔,来到约定好的森林里.海丽娜将这一消息告诉了狄米特律斯,二人也跟着赶到了森林里.这个森林里本来住着仙王、仙后和侍奉他们的小仙、精灵,此时仙王、仙后正因为一个“换儿”(传说中仙人常于夜间将人家美丽的小儿窃去充做侍童)而不和.仙王为了让仙后做出让步,便派小精灵迫克(Puck)去取来魔汁(西方一朵纯洁的白色小花因为误中了丘比特的爱情之箭,受创伤后而流出的汁液)以戏弄仙后.这种魔汁有这样的魔力:如果它滴在睡者的人的眼皮上,无论男女,醒来一眼看见的生物,就都会发疯似的爱上它. 织梦好,好织梦
最幻不过梦,最美不过情.正如生活一样,爱有时是悲剧,也有时是喜剧,有时是梦与情的巧遇.爱情享有自由的属性、魔力的特征,糅合理性的思考.它既是一座童话的花园,也是一座上演着人生百态的舞台.沁人心脾的爱情,再名贵的香水也敌不过她的香气和魔力.《仲夏夜之梦》是莎士比亚带给恋人们最美的戏剧童话.“爱懒花”汁液的魔术,由此流传到了全世界. 本文来自织梦
点拨:包括《威尼斯商人》、《无事生非》、《皆大欢喜》和《第十二夜》 主要描写的是青年男女为追求爱情自由,与封建意识、封建顽固势力和各种自私欺骗行为所进行的斗争。《威尼斯商人》写青年商人安东尼奥为帮助朋友巴萨尼奥向名门闺秀鲍西娅求婚,向...
点拨:The play features three interconnecting plots,connected by a celebration of the weddingof Theseus of Athens andthe Amazonqueen, Hippolyta. 剧情共有三个主轴,刚好都跟庆祝忒修斯公爵和希波吕忒女王的婚礼有关。 Inthe beginning, herm...
点拨:最幻不过梦,最美不过情。正如生活一样,爱是悲剧,也是喜剧,是梦与情的遇合。 转载请注明出处: http://www.10000uw.com/view-88806-1.html