
移动版  2019-06-03 10:14  来 源:  字号:

概括:这道题是幸图汉同学的课后英语练习题,主要是关于大学扩招,指导老师为堵老师。高校扩招,也称为大学扩招或大学生扩招,是指中华人民共和国境内(即中国大陆)自1999年开始的,基于解决经济和就业问题的扩大普通高校本专科院校招生人数的教育改革政策,简单来说即是自1999年开始的高等教育(包括大学本科、研究生)不断扩大招生人数的教育改革政策。扩招源于1999年教育部出台的《面向21世纪教育振兴行动计划》。文件提出到2010年,高等教育毛入学率将达到适龄青年的15%。进入2008年后,教育部表示1999年开始的扩招过于急躁并逐渐控制扩招比例,但在2009年环球金融风暴的背景下,教育部开始了研究生招生比例的调节。 2012年4月,教育部发布《全面提高高等教育质量的若干意见》明确提出,今后公办普通高校本科招生规模将保持相对稳定。另一方面,本科高校过度扩招造成高等教育质量下滑,为提高教学质量,教授为本科生上课将成为一项基本制度,不给本科生上课不得聘为教授。持续长达13年的本科扩招要叫停了。 2013年全国各类高等教育在学总规模达到3460万人,高等教育毛入学率达到34.5%。 dedecms.com



Possible version:Nowadays people are talking about the expansion of college enrollment. This new policy adopted by the government benefits a lot of high school graduates and therefore the country as well. There used to be such a fierce competition among high school graduates to enter college that many of them studied too hard only to spoil their health. Even some of them killed themselves only because they failed in the entrance exams. Now they will have more chances to attend college and the country is also going to benefit from it. There will be more well-educated and highly qualified citizens and professionals which is essential to the development of the country. However now some students who otherwise can’t enter a college are not studying hard enough. They think now since colleges enroll more students they are more likely to be admitted into one of them even without a high score. Even though there is still room for improvement to this policy I think it is still a good one which brings more good than harm to the students and the nation. It should be carried out without doubt. 转载请注明出处: http://www.10000uw.com/view-89385-1.html
